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VoIP Nurse Control Panels

The statuses of all working Room Control Units connected to the panel can be monitored actively. All errors and notifications shall be displayed on the information panel. Emergency codes, WC calls, and normal calls may be monitored.

All processes passing through the system are logged. All logs can be reported in detail. There are a configurable
number of room monitoring icons on the interface.


Research shows that healthcare professionals spend Central Monitoring Software nearly 35% of their time trying to reach information. The MCW One Handset ensures you get the right information at the right time.

This mobile device allows you to receive all or filtered calls from the Nurse Call System, accept or declinethe calls or forward them to other team members, talk directly to patients on their Comfort system VoIP handsets, talk through Room Control Units, assign tasks for team members and monitor the completion of these tasks, receive integrated hospital device alarms, check Laboratory results from Hospital Information System, and remember profiles for different staff members through NFC card authorization.

The application can be licensed for use on Android based smartphones, but some of the features such as
card reading might not be possible depending on the smartphone’s features.


Central Monitoring Software

The Hampton Central Monitoring Software is a web-based monitor that observes all activities such as nurse calls, code blue (and any custom emergency codes), assist calls, and nurse presences throughout the hospital. It can show picture IDs of personnel that are present in patient rooms.

Different parameters (call type, department, and floor info) can be filtered based on needs. In this way, the focus of health personnel can be directed and reaction and intervention times can be minimized.